Friday, April 10, 2009

Alter Ego Volume 1/ Issues 1-5/1961...

Starting in 1961, these early and unassuming slips of paper became a must-read for comic fans in the know. In fact, it continues today, resurrected by Roy Thomas who came up with the title. Roy downplays his importance in the early era of fandom, but without him it would have been much different.
Co-creator, Jerry Bails passed editorship of his groundbreaking fanzine to Ronn Foss who in turn passed it to Roy Thomas.
Jerry was an idea man and frequently passed the legwork of his many innovations on to others so that he could continue to create.
This is generally acknowledged as the first hero 'zine but it tied with Don and Maggie Thompsons' Comic Art as the first comics related fanzine. Comic Art will be featured in the next installment.
Please enjoy Thomas' cover artwork on the early issues.

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